Excerpts from
LOVE and LAW The Unpublished Teachings of Ernest Holmes ![]() Order in Adobe PDF eBook form for $4.95 or click here to order in printed form from Amazon.com Book
Early lectures and private lessons from celebrated spiritual teacher Ernest Holmes, illustrating the key concepts behind his influential ideas. Ernest Holmes was a beloved teacher and philosopher with a disarmingly simple message: Change your thinking, and you will change your life. There is a creative law in the universe, Holmes reasoned, and it is available to each of us right now through our thought patterns. We can, quite literally, think our way to happiness and contentment. Love and Law is a collection of carefully selected lectures and private lessons that have never before been in print. It is a splendid testament to the living philosophy of this remarkable guide and thinker. About
This Book Yellowed
and brittle, the pages of transcription by students of Ernest Holmes,
now, once
again through this book, bring to life words to live by. There is a
message of
depth to show us how we may choose a life that can be more beneficial
for us
and the world. This book is prepared in three parts. It consists of
three different
series of talks given around the same time, 1918. Ernest was known to
give a
morning lecture, a different lecture in the afternoon, and perhaps
an evening
class, all in the same day. Ernest, as he was usually
addressed, never prepared his lectures
with notes or manuscript. He lived in the Presence of God and his
ideas come to prove this. We must take into account the era of these
World War I ended in November 1918 and this war is referred to in some
of his
lectures. Also at this time there was a major epidemic of influenza in
and America. Ernest had an amazing memory
for literature, poetry, and the
Bible. However, many Bible quotes are not word for word. He studied the
James Version and the verses he refers to may be round there. At times
it seems
he created his own words. You will
also find a few slang terms of the
day. The editor has,
where necessary, brought gender inclusiveness to the lectures. In
a few cases
there were words left out by the stenographer; these additions have
been made. Throughout the years people
have asked if Ernest Holmes believed
and spoke the same in his early years, around 1916, as in his last,
1960. I
would have to say yes and no. What he believed about our choice and how
create our own world remained the same. How he expressed his beliefs
may have
mellowed a bit in later years. His first book, Creative Mind, is
these beliefs in clear and concise terms. His last book, The Voice
Celestial, co-authored with his brother Fenwicke Holmes, is an
different kind
of book: a book of poetry. Ernest was very much the
mystic. In a talk he gave in 1958 in Whittier,
California, he comes to a place where he believes he has seen “the
veil, and it
is very thin.” Sometimes people have felt that
Ernest spoke and emphasized the Law
rather than Love. But he believed that “Love points the way and the Law
the thing possible.” The thing being the desire manifested. In one of
lectures on Fundamental Metaphysics he states: “You will find your word
has the
amount of power, the amount of intelligence you put into it, and it has
power according to the amount of absolute conviction and the impulse of
which is behind it.” The use of the term
practitioner was gleaned by Ernest’s
early exposure to Christian Science. A practitioner is a person
who practices
the principles of Science of Mind. There are now people who have
studied and
been licensed through the organization of the United Church of
Science as professional practitioners. In 1920 there were only a couple
people in this position. They were Reginald Armor and Anna Holmes,
mother. The practitioners
and patients that Ernest is referring to throughout his talks are the
people he
was speaking to, not licensed practitioners. “There is no practitioner that
can do anything more for you than
to help you. Your final emancipation will be written by your own hand
or it
will never be written at all, it will be thought out by your own mind.
It will
govern your own consciousness as it recognizes the supremacy of
mind, the
infinite impulse of spirit, and your own divine birthright to use it.”
In other
words, the final determination of your healing is up to you, in
your acceptance
of truth. As Jesus said: “It is done unto you as you believe.” Editor
Rev. Marilyn [Armor] Leo About
the Author Ernest
Shurtleff Holmes, public speaker, religious leader, and author,
was born in
Lincoln, Maine, on January 21, 1887, one of nine sons of William
Nelson, a
farmer, and Anna Columbia (Heath) Holmes. Ernest received his education
in the rural schools of his native
community, the public schools of Lincoln, Maine, and Goulds Academy, in
Maine. From 1908 to 1910 he attended the Leland Powers School of
Expression, in
Boston, while at the same time working in a retail store, which he
continued to
do for the next three years. In 1912 he went to California
where he served as playground instructor
and purchasing agent for the City of Venice. Beginning about 1915, he
was asked
to speak in a friend's home about his beliefs and philosophy. He
quickly grew
in popularity and until the early 1960s he was prolific in his lectures
as well
as successful at publishing books. By 1916 he began lecturing in
auditoriums in
Los Angeles to many hundreds of people. He and his brother Fenwicke
established a home in Venice, California, for
metaphysical treatment. In 1916 they also began publishing a magazine, The
Uplift. In 1917 they organized the Southern California
Institute and in 1918 established a metaphysical sanitarium in
Long Beach. During these few years Ernest
maintained a lecture hall and
treatment offices in Los Angeles and spoke on Sundays in the Strand
Theater. In
1920, he and his brother traveled to New York, Boston, and Philadelphia
they spoke to overflow crowds in lecture halls and theaters. Finally,
in the
early 1920s, Ernest sought more permanency and stability in his
endeavors by
confining his work primarily to one location. He then returned to Los
and began to steadily expand his career, lecturing in the Biltmore and
Ambassador Hotels. He established headquarters in the North Parlor of
Trinity Hotel (later known as the Embassy), conducting midweek meetings
special classes. Ernest's mother and his lifelong friend Reginald Armor
offices in this location as practitioners to meet the needs of the ever
increasing number of followers. In 1927 he founded the
Institute of Religious Science and School
of Philosophy, which was later changed to the Church of Religious
Science and, most
recently, the United Church of Religious Science. He served as dean of
school and leader of the church organization until the close of his
life. Also
in 1927, on October 23, Ernest was married in Los Angeles to Hazel
daughter of Charles and Ann Durkee. They had no children. Ernest had a casual form. He
often wore plaid shirts and loafer
shoes and was completely comfortable with whomever he was with, whether
of Hollywood, university professors, or the indigent. He was at home in
surroundings. The feeling behind some of these lectures of sitting in
living room with a roaring fire is accurate. He, along with his beloved
Hazel, celebrated life often in their home with many friends. There was
often conversation with Ernest asking questions of others as well as
giving his
own personal views about life, the universe, and how it all works. The same year (1927) he founded
a monthly magazine, Religious
Science which later became Science of Mind. Ernest was
director. This magazine has gained worldwide recognition and
distribution. At the time of his death in Los
Angeles on April 7, 1960, the
number of branch church organizations had risen to 101, in all parts of
world, most of these housed in their own buildings and with a
registered membership
exceeding 100,000. He lived to dedicate the Founders Church in Los
Angeles in
January I960. It is a magnificent edifice, costing more than
$1,500,000. Its
minister was Dr. William H. D. Hornaday. Ernest lectured incessantly and
his published writings are prolific.
His central thesis was his own definition of Religious Science in less
than twenty-five
words as “a correlation of the laws of science, opinions of
philosophy, and
revelations of religion applied to human needs and the aspirations of
all.” He
took the transcendental position of accepting a First Cause
although he supported
his thesis with logical arguments derived from the sciences and the
of the outstanding thinkers of history, formulating a basic synchronism
he taught as a system of religion. He accepted the principle of
monism and declared that science and religion are rooted in one and the
Mind, and that the world of phenomena is subject to the Law of Mind. He
that people are an individualization of Creative Spirit and through
self-awareness and power of choice can control the health of the body
and the
conditions of environment by affirmative meditation, which he
treatment. To this end he maintained the necessity of understanding the
of the Law of Mind, which responds automatically to any demand made
upon it.
Successful, wise, and affirmative employment of this Law result in what
we call
“good,” and an unwise or negative use of this law will result in
evil. Evil is therefore an effect and not a cause. He quoted the Bible
often: “It
is not the will of my Father that any of his children should perish.”
believed that the final answer lies in the receptivity of the
individual: “Ask
and ye shall receive.” Ernest was an eloquent speaker
and wrote widely in the fields of
the new psychology, spiritual philosophy, and metaphysics. His
consuming passion
was to teach teachers. His counsel and assistance were sought by
many noted
people across the country. Thousands flocked to his classes.
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