Excerpts from

by Ernest Holmes & Raymond Charles Barker

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Book Description
This book contains 365 tested and proven meditations, one for each day of the year, which have helped thousands in their search for a richer life. As you use them daily, either silently or audibly, you will discover inner abilities, true inspiration, greater health, prosperity and peace of mind.


The Science of Mind, as presented throughout these meditations, is an outgrowth of spiritual faith and the knowledge of psychological facts. The spiritual faith which people have had throughout the ages has been perhaps the most outstanding fact in all human experience. Before science was conceived, the Presence of God was felt. Before ever mental actions or reactions were analyzed, history was full of instances of men and women who had experienced God, whose consciousness had risen above the everyday facts of ordinary life and reached some new plane of activity.

The science of psychology is comparatively new, but the mental experience of the invisible universe is as old as is the history of man. The Science of Mind is also new in that for the first time in the history of the human race definite attempts are being made to put together all findings which would contribute to the establishment of man's re­lationship to the universe and to the application of his spiritual under­standing to the everyday problems of human life.

This science necessarily starts out with the proposition that we are living in a spiritual universe, whose sole government is one of har­mony, and that the use of right ideas is the enforcement of its law. We, as individuals, do not originate either truth or that which is not true, but rather, each one of us awakes to find himself in a universe of law and order, of absolute intelligence and of perfect manifestation.

The Science of Mind is built upon the theory that there is One In­finite Mind which, of necessity, includes all that is intelligent, whether that intelligence is in man, animal or the invisible Presence which we call God. In it we learn to have a spiritual sense of things. This spir­itual sense of things is what is, meant by the Consciousness of Christ. To be able to discern the spiritual idea back of its physical symbol is to use the mind which Jesus had.

The Science of Mind is an intensely practical thing because it teaches us how to use Mind for definite purposes, such as helping those who are sick, impoverished or unhappy, and each one of us should learn to become a practitioner of this art, a demonstrator of its Principle, a con­scious user of its Power. One of the first things we learn is that Power already exists but the existence of Power is of no particular value to us until we use It. We must not only be conscious of Power, but we must be actively conscious of It.

The ever increasing thousands of persons who are daily proving this principle in some degree may add to our conviction that we are deal­ing with the most intense reality the human mind has ever conceived. The practice of this science is the application of a definite technique, the law of right thought, of true spiritual understanding.

The Science of Mind reveals that every man is a potential Christ. Every man has inherent God-power within him. And how could this God-power be used other than through his thought. Since it would be impossible for a man to act as an intelligent being unless he could first think, the very idea of man supposes a center of consciousness, a center of thought activity. The Science of Mind reveals that this center of God activity within us is in each one a complete and unique manifes­tation of the Parent Mind; that the Power of God does actually exist in man.

The universe, rightly interpreted, is a spiritual system governed by the Law of Cause and Effect, which is fundamentally mental. For if there is any universe external to some conceiving consciousness, then that universe man has not yet discovered and it is unthinkable that he ever will. It is, therefore, a basic proposition in our philosophy that we live in a mental or spiritual universe and that things may be re­solved into thoughts. This is the very foundation upon which all sci­entific practice must be established and when one is able to establish this premise, in his own thought, he at once finds himself equipped with an instrument through which he may change his environment.

The following pages contain tested and proven meditations which have helped thousands in their search for a richer life. As you use them daily, either silently or audibly, you will discover inner abilities, true inspiration, greater health, prosperity and peace of mind.


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